Tuesday, April 22, 2008

the window incident

i had my friend over yesterday. when he came in i said something like “so this is my room...”, then nic said “oh, so its your room now, that’s funny i thought it was OUR room”. later on my friend said he was getting kind of cold. i asked nic to close the window and he said “no, i'm very hot”. i asked again politely, he said “if I close the window i'm taking off all my clothes”. i said forget it. then nic closed the window and took off all his clothes, then sat at his computer for about an hour. my friend left.


Anonymous said...

i hope your friend was a girl.

Anonymous said...

That's messed up. He must be gay, especially with the wrongly cut deviled eggs. What a homo...

Anonymous said...

You are a Cruel Man, Leave Ric And justin Alone. You Have hurt there Feelings.

Anonymous said...

ewww, naked roommates

Anonymous said...

Pictures or it didn't happen.

Anonymous said...

"You are a Cruel Man, Leave Ric And justin Alone. You Have hurt there Feelings."

1) their feelings
2) why capitalize all words besides Justin, a proper noun.

this sucks, my roommate really sucks too.

Anonymous said...

kill him

Anonymous said...

I thought this was going to be about Clapton's kid.

Anonymous said...

Your a bitch

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