Thursday, April 24, 2008

you're supposed to choose

justin got a box of free stuff off of craigslist, including a bunch of choose your own adventure goosebumps books. he reads them out loud in my room, but when he gets to a decision he doesnt decide and he just flips to the next page. he just reads them straight through and it doesn’t make any sense.


jw said...

bookmarked :')

Anonymous said...

why do you care?

Anonymous said...

this site is genius.. i should have done one months ago. your roommates do all the stupid shit that mine do. i truly feel your frustration

Anonymous said...

Good idea. Makes those books a lot more interesting.

Praveena said...

my roommate takes 40 minute showers at 12.45 am. she also wakes up at 4.30 pm.

i don't care, but i care. because it's gross and really gross and really really really gross and i generally like my apartment to be gross free.

so yeah, i empathize!

Anonymous said...

i loved reading this

Unknown said...

Justin is cool, Nic is an asshole.

But I still think they're better than my roommates.

blog readability test