this is what nic did to our bathroom.
2 judge judies
blackout band autograph
“no diving” sticker on toilet
toilet paper roll tower
You should totally show them this blog once you don't have to live with them any more.
Thanks for having out photo on your wall.
hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha that is so awesome. i wish my roommates did that to my shit.
how come nic thinks judge judy is okay but cracks up when you watch home improvement?
My roommates put a giant picture of Tim Gunn on our bathroom wall, with the caption "YOU LOOK FABULOUS!" It creeps everyone who uses our bathroom out. I feel your pain.
that's kind of neat. =D
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You should totally show them this blog once you don't have to live with them any more.
Thanks for having out photo on your wall.
hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha that is so awesome. i wish my roommates did that to my shit.
how come nic thinks judge judy is okay but cracks up when you watch home improvement?
My roommates put a giant picture of Tim Gunn on our bathroom wall, with the caption "YOU LOOK FABULOUS!" It creeps everyone who uses our bathroom out. I feel your pain.
that's kind of neat. =D
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