Monday, May 5, 2008

hi justin

today i was walking back from class and there were tons of people around but i spotted justin walking towards me when he was still about 200 feet away and apparently he spotted me too. we were still way too far away from each other to say hello so i pretended not to see him. then i heard him yell “yo!!!”, i ignored him, not because i didn't want to say hello, but it was way too far of a distance to be saying hello, i had planned on saying hello when we were much closer. then again i heard him yell “yo bro!!!”, this time i looked up and waved at him, we are still about 100 feet away from each other. then justin yelled "is the baby too embarassed to say hello to his roommate”, i kept my head down and kept walking, as we passed each other i said “hi justin”, he said nothing and kept riding his scooter past me.


Anonymous said...

Dude just wanted to be your bro from a distance. Wouldn't it be worse if he didn't want to be your bro at all?

Anonymous said...

little baby lol

Anonymous said...

awww - anon may 6 might be right-maybe yr roommate was really humiliated that he was calling out to u and u ignored him in front of everyone, maybe that's why he didn't talk to u when u caught up to him

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you check this blog or not anymore, but I HATE my roommate too!!! She's a bitch. And your old roommates are total dicks.

assbackwards said...

I don't know who you are but months later I just died laughing...

Anonymous said...

dont put your head down, have a little confidence

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