Sunday, March 23, 2008

deviled eggs

today i came back to the room and nic and justin were making deviled eggs, only they cut the hardboiled eggs the wrong way (like if the egg is standing straight up, they cut it at the x-axis instead of the y), so there were big deep egg bowl ones and tiny shallow ones. When I asked them why they cut them like that they just started cracking up , and nic said “i told you he would ask”. i’ll never understand why things like that are funny to them.


Anonymous said...

Your roommates sound like fun people to live with. I wish I had crazy roommates like yours. We'd get into all sorts of tomfoolery.

ChuckIT said...

keep these coming

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad more people hate Nic.

Anonymous said...

they must be gay, seriously. who the fuck makes deviled eggs with their roommates?

that shit is gay!


Unknown said...

I hate my roommates 2!!! where do u live??

Unknown said...

do ur roomies know of this site? lol

Anonymous said...

seriously, this is the best blog ever.

Stephen said...

this thing is so good man. i love it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

your room mates sound like a lot of fun. you should lighten up

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

i thought my roommates were stupid... i feel for you

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